mrt 27, 2020 1:54:26 AM

4 Tips to Find the Perfect Talent on MonkeyToHire

Are you a small, medium-sized, or large organization looking to hire an IT professional for a short term job, full-time job, or even a one-time assignment? Finding the perfect talent shouldn’t be a difficult task if you play your cards right. Today, we’ll share 4 tips you can implement in your search and recruitment process to find the perfect talent for your needs.

  1. Use filters

If you want to find the perfect talent on MonkeyToHire, you have to post a job offer. This offer must be filtered down to the exact skills and abilities your company needs. For example, let’s say you need to hire an IT technician for a simple task like product design of a website or digital product using Figma. You should be sure to specify that in your job details to avoid getting applications from product designers who use Adobe XD or Sketch.

Note: Figma is a trending cloud software-as-a-service tool for creating interactive interfaces and user experiences from low fidelity designs to high fidelity designs.

You can also specify your preferred level of experience and the required years of experience in your job offer.

  1. Set requirements for personal skills

It’s not just enough to find the perfect IT talent without personal skills. You don’t want to hire someone who isn’t honest or someone who isn’t creative and can’t solve problems. It’s really tiring when you hire an IT professional that can’t collaborate with other members of your business to achieve a goal. I can’t stress the importance of personal skills enough. You really need to consider this in your recruiting process. You need to make sure you’re employing a professional that possesses personal skills. Personal skills like effective communication, creative thinking, and team collaboration are very important. With the filter option on our website, you can achieve this easily.

  1. Interview

Interviews are an important stage of any recruitment process, and the IT industry is no different. It doesn’t matter if you have to do the interview physically or over the internet with software and tools like Zoom or Skype. What matters is that you’re able to ask questions that you need answers for. During interviews with IT professionals, you must pay attention to their personal skills like effective communication, creative thinking, and problem-solving ability.

  1. Set a test

If you’re hiring IT professionals, it’s important you set up a test to qualify their skills and claims. While you can easily ask IT professionals to take up a test or build something really quick to verify their skill claims, you should note that they won’t probably do it for free. In such situations, a paid test can be agreed and if selected professionals pass the test, they can be paid for that task.